SE2 Super Excel Data Processing & Analysis Course
This course helps you to gain the real power of Excel, which lies in functions and formulas.
What is this course about?
Formula is the reason Excel was invented in the first place. It creates a mechanism for Excel to calculate input range data based on certain procedures and return an output. When you have large amount of data, you do not need to write formulas for every single record. You just write a formula for the first record, and copy that one formula to all other records in one second, then all those records are being calculated.
Formulas are not just for mathematical calculations. There are 500+ predefined formulas (functions) to perform various calculations. There are functions to help you connecting data between different data sets to perform lookup. There are functions to help you make decisions based on logical judgements.
Functions make processing and analyzing data so much easier within Excel. Those functions do not have to be used individually. They can be nested together logically, and creatively, to boost the power exponentially. That's what you will learn in this course.
What sizes of business need to use Excel to process and analyze data?
Many small businesses run their entire operations off Excel. Medium and large corporations have their enterprise systems as the backbone to support the operations, and Excel is the small software to help feeding data into the enterprise system, and export data out to for further processing and analysis. For any non-routine projects, data wise, one will have to completely rely on Excel to support the execution.
For any business, any organization, there are always data. Customer data, product data, supplier data, material data, transportation data, inventory data, production data, engineering data, testing data, quality assurance data, purchase order data, employee data, salary data, sales data, accounting data, marketing data... Data is everywhere, at every corner of every organization.
Especially with the technology development, we have more granular level of data than ever in the human history.
With marketing data, you can analyze how many people opened your marketing emails, how many clicked on the link provided in the email, how many followed that link and spent time viewing your message on the webpage, and how many minutes they watched the promotion video on that page.
With transportation data, you can analyze how fast a driver accelerate before a traffic light, how often the driver does it, how many aggressive maneuvers the drive had and where.
Data alone has no value. Only when the data is processed and analyzed, it could provide us with insights and meanings. Some of them are done within statistical software, and a lot more are being done within Excel.
Analysis is more of after the fact task, but many of the business execution tasks in large and small organizations are happening within Excel too. Without the functions and formulas skills, those execution tasks could not be carried out. No organizations, large or small, can avoid the need to process and analyze data with spreadsheet software like Excel.
What types of profession need to use Excel to process and analyze data?
Data processing and analysis used to be performed by someone has the word "analyst" in the job title, and mainly in the sales, operations, and finance/accounting departments. That's not the case anymore. As businesses and organizations in this era are all data driven, this happens in every functional department, and every level of the organizational hierarchy.
I was delivering on-site Excel training few years ago to a small group of Registered Dietitians at a small health centre at downtown Toronto that caters to a specific demographic. You would think what does a dietitian has to do with Excel functions and formulas.
As part of their services to the clients, they collect lots of data about the clients and their health concerns through surveys. They process and analyze the client survey results in a very manual way, not using formulas at all. Since they did not have the ability to use functions and formulas in the first place, the survey was designed in a way that the collected data structure hinders the effective processing and analysis of the data with formulas.
As a result, they spent lot of time on the survey data, which take valuable time away from providing diet expertise and advices to clients. If they had the knowledge and skills from this course, it would have saved them tons of time.
What levels of position need to use Excel to process and analyze data?
Ten or twenty years ago, less middle and upper management positions possessed the Excel analytical skills. Now more of them do. As a matter of fact, I know personally quite many people who took this course at the time as coordinators, analysts, managers, directors and within three to five years, they rose to managers, senior managers, directors, and VPs.
Few years ago, when a lady took this course and connected with me on LinkedIn, she asked me if I knew the CEO of the company she was working for, since I was connected with the CEO on LinkedIn. To my surprise, I did know the CEO, though he was a director at that company when he took the Super Excel Data Processing & Analysis course in 2012. At that time he was so impressed with my course design and teaching method, and he got interested in the idea of investing into my Excel training company if I was willing to accept it.
I can see more of the new generation leaders possessing the Excel analytical skills as they grew up with computers. Excel has been part of their lives since they entered the workforce. The middle and upper management for sure have no need to perform extensive data processing & analysis work. But having this skill, they do not need to wait for an analyst to come up with the results in hours when they can get that in few minutes with own Excel analytical skills. In this fast paced time, our tolerance to waiting is considerably reduced.
Many of the processes seem to be long to an average person, when you have the strong Excel function/formula skills, it will take only few minutes. When the management possess the Excel analytical skills, and know its power, naturally they will expect their staff the same abilities.
When I was working as a senior analyst, there was an analyst position reporting to me. One time we hired a fresh MBA graduate, even though he did not have strong Excel function/formula skills, I really liked him for his methodical approach, and I knew I could teach him the functions/formulas, and he would get it quickly. I assigned him a task of analysis at the start of one morning. When I checked back with him at 4:30 PM, he was still deep in the numbers, and not sure when he would finish the analysis. So I sat at his desk, had him watching me performing and finishing the analysis within 30 minutes in front of his eyes. I was not trying to show off, or belittle him by any means. After he spent the whole day thinking and trying to solve the problem, now, when I walked him through my thought process, and using the various functions/formulas combination along with my no-mouse-touching keyboard skills, he would be intrigued and learned much more than if I told him the specific steps to perform that piece of analysis in the morning.
In the summer of year 2020 during the COVID pandemic I taught many high school students and university students this course live online via zoom. I found every single one of them understanding the functions/formulas much faster than the average adults I have taught in all the past years. Only time will tell, how much more important Excel analytical skills will become in the future corporate jobs.
Is this course geared towards a specific profession?
I also got questions like "I work in Human Resources (or whatever profession), does this course help me?". This is a wrong question as it is based on wrong assumption. They may think only finance/accounting professionals need to process and analyze data.
In a corporate environment, only the top tier and bottom tier do not need the Excel analytical skills. All other levels of position will need or benefit from the Excel function/formula skills, as they all deal with data, regardless their functional departments. The only exception I can think of is art based positions. But if they are in management, they still deal with data.
The functions/formulas covered within this course are for processing and analyzing data. Regardless what department you work in, they are important and essential. Of course there are other specific functions for finance or engineering or statistics. But those are more of mathematical calculation for a specific field rather than processing and analyzing data.
A person working in finance may ask: "does this course teach any financial function?" No. Actually, this course does not teach a single financial function. Then how does this course help a person working in finance?
Most people working in finance or accounting do not need to use financial functions like NPV (Net Present Value) or PPMT (Principle portion of a Periodic Payment of an investment). What they need are VLOOKUP/XLOOKUP, SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, INDEX, MATCH, IF, IFERROR..., etc to conduct financial planning or reporting on sales and expenses.
For few of them who do need to use financial functions, if they mastered the functions covered in this course, they can easily understand and use financial functions. Those are just like calculators, as long as you understand the specific financial concept, you just enter the input parameters into the function, it will calculate and return the appropriate output numbers.
This is the case for finance, so it is for engineering, and other professions.
As a matter of fact, in all the years I taught this course since 2009, 50% of the attendees worked in finance and accounting, 25% of them worked in supply chain and operations, the rest worked in various fields like, sales, marketing, HR, engineering, ...etc. Undoubtfully, finance and accounting professionals are the ones dealing with data the most. I also teach this course at CPA Ontario. In those classes, all attendees are CPAs.
You may wonder, maybe your industry is unique. Would this course be relevant? Here is a list of types of organizations where I have taught this course as on-site corporate training: manufacturers, distributors, retailers, pharmaceuticals, food companies, cosmetic companies, financial services, logistics services, marketing firms, architecture firms, law firms, engineering firms, consulting firms, governments, NGOs, Non-Profits, universities, museum, hospitals…etc.
I hope you get the point. No organizations can operate without the need to deal with data. No management can manage without data.
Data is just data. Whatever data you have, it's the same set of Excel functions to process and analyze them.
Who is this course for?
As long as you deal with data, and want to be effective and efficient in processing and analyzing them, regardless of your industry, profession, level of position, this course is right for you.
For people who have "analyst" in their job titles, the skills from this course is a must for them. However, even if you do not have analyst job titles, if your everyday work involves data processing and analysis, this course is essential for you.
If your career involves a corporate environment, and your goal is not to stay in the bottom tier, or if you are not already in the upper management, the skills you gain from this course will benefit you for your entire career.
If you are running your own business, it is even more important to master these skills, so you can run your business more efficiently.
If you have taken Excel courses somewhere else, but did not learn much, and wish to have a breakthrough in mastering functions/formulas, this is for you.
In many of the conventional Excel formula courses, they may "teach" you five or more Excel functions within 30 minutes. In this course, I spend 30 minutes to teach you only one single function. I will make sure you really get the why, what, when, where, and how to use that function. You are not learning what the software has. Instead, you are learning the practical formula skills that are required at the real workplace to grow your career.
I do suggest most striving professionals master Excel skills up to the SE2 course level. If you do, I'd suggest you to take my Super Excel Data Processing & Analysis course.
Lanet L. really made a good point about this course. "I have attended few other Excel training courses elsewhere. The fundamental difference is: most other courses teach you WHAT is Excel; the Super Excel course teaches you HOW TO USE Excel. I was especially impressed with the thought process the instructor demonstrated in class. He made those formulas alive."
SE2 Super Excel Data Processing & Analysis Course Outline
18-hour Hands-On Course
Excel is a powerful tool to process and analyze business data. To unleash that power, you need to learn not only those individual Excel functions, but also learn how to combine functions together logically to create nested formulas to solve complex problems.
This hands-on course is designed to help you to learn and use the most needed, important, and essential advanced Excel functions to work effectively and efficiently in a business environment. You will be guided step by step, from using simple functions to complex nested formula hands-on. You will combine various advanced functions to plan business activities and solve complex business problems.
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for people who have basic or intermediate level Excel skills, wish to leverage the power of Excel functions/formulas to process and analyze large volume of data and handle complex problem effectively and efficiently.
Topics Outline
Module 1 - Master the essential and critical keyboard skills, build foundation for all formulas and models, learn the first function and the other critical techniques related using function.
- 37 most needed keyboard shortcuts
- Use keyboard to perform any command in the ribbons
- Proper ways to enter formula with keyboard linking cells in same worksheet/different worksheet/different workbook
- Two different modes while editing a cell/formula
- Relative reference, absolute reference, mixed reference for single cell reference and multiple cells range reference
- Quickest way to copy and paste
- VLOOKUP, make VLOOKUP 3rd argument dynamic
- How to tell if a cell is a number or text
- VLOOKUP text property numbers to match numbers (VALUE function)
- VLOOKUP numbers to match text property numbers (&)
- VLOOKUP with multiple criteria
Module 2 - Combine functions (nested formula) to address intermediate business problems, example of 40-hour work done in 5 minutes
- SUMIFS function - sum with one or more criteria
- SUMIFS functions based on partially matching criteria - wildcards
- HLOOKUP function
- COUNTIFS function with criteria being equal, greater than, less than, not equal to
- Using COUNTIFS function to quickly identify duplicate records of multiple attributes
- Quickly remove duplicate
- Dates are serial numbers. MIN/MAX/DATE/TODAY/NOW functions
- Use TEXT function to change number/date/time format
- Logical function IF to return text or expression, VLOOKUP nested within IF functions
- Handling error automatically with formula - IFERROR function
- Using COUNTIFS/IF/Sort together creatively to solve a data processing problem
Module 3 - Incorporate business rules into multiple layers of nested logic functions to plan business activities; never use VLOOKUP again
- Common logic of using IF function to generate serial number to facilitate VLOOKUP function to populate required data
- Understanding the concept of multiple layers of IF function to handle more complicated business rules via decision tree diagram
- Nesting AND/OR logical functions in the IF function to handle even more complicated business rules
- The strategy to write super complex multiple layers nested formula without error (use flowchart to break it down to small formulas and build them back up to one big formula)
- Replace a 20 arguments OR function with a short formula combining NOT/ISNA/VLOOKUP
- Conditional formatting based on cell contents
- Conditional formatting based on contents of other cells (formula)
- INDEX and MATCH function, why it is better than VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP function
Module 4 - Text manipulation via Excel features and functions; powerful and very useful but less known lookup; complex and logical nested formula
- Text manipulation by functions: LEFT, RIGHT, MID, LEN, SEARCH, SUBSTITUTE.
- Logical combination of these six functions to extract any part of a text field column of known patterns (identify 1st, 2nd, last instance of a special character in a cell)
- Split a text column to multiple columns via "Text to Column" and handle the exception with formula
- VLOOKUP function with approximate match can replace certain multiple layers of IF functions (lookup a range)
- MATCH function again but with approximate match (match a range)
- Thought process: how to think through the logic and build nested formula to populate a list of items of set number of records
Bonus Module - New functions introduced in Excel 2021 version and Microsoft 365 version
- XLOOKUP function basic form
- XLOOKUP if not found
- XLOOKUP match wildcard character
- XLOOKUP search last to first
- XLOOKUP match type -1 & 1
- XMATCH function
- XLOOKUP two-dimensional lookup
I attended the live online Super Excel Data Processing & Analysis course and it was the best decision I have made. Steve was able to break down and explain exactly what criteria each part of the formula was looking for, and how to apply the examples into Excel worksheets that you use every day in your career. Steve was very informative and took the time to explain and answer any questions the class had. I found the on-line experience to be the best for me, because we were able to share each other’s screen, so Steve was able to help and give me advice to remember as we worked through the worksheets.
Cheryl A.
Toronto Canada
I really appreciated your Super Excel Data Processing & Analysis course. I was a little skeptical on paying for a course which I believed I could learn by myself online. But having completed this course, I think I made the best decision enrolling in your program. The way the entire course material was structured from week to week made the learning experience very easy to understand and transition through. I have already and will definitely continue to recommend your course to friends and colleagues.
Michael O.
Super Excel Data Processing & Analysis is an amazing course! This course has provided me with advanced tools, expert level knowledge and has significantly improved my Excel skills. The course is based on examples that can be easily adapted and applied to real work situations to perform high volume and complex data analysis. I am confident to save at least 2 hours working time daily using the skills I have learnt from this course. The Super Excel instructor has done a great job at consolidating the most useful and productive Excel functions into a very creative and interactive learning experience. I would strongly recommend this course to anyone looking forward to significantly increase productivity using Excel.
Sanjay N.
I thought I knew quite a bit about Excel until I took the Super Excel Data Processing & Analysis course. The course is extremely well planned and you actually get to learn quickly and more importantly practice with actual real scenarios that you can apply at work right away. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to excel at doing impressive reports in the most efficient manner. This course definitely opens doors to great opportunities to shine and be the go to person when executives in your company need up-to-date and accurate reports. In this era of analysis, this is one of the best and most versatile tool to have and the instructor certainly delivers with his Super Excel course. Thank you for making me that much more efficient no matter what the job is. You want to impress your boss, or yourself? Then, take the Super Excel course and you will impress!!
Helen D.
It has been absolutely pleasurable and rewarding for me to attend your Super Excel Data Processing & Analysis course. I believe the benefit of this course is priceless. The way you have adapted the curriculum to specific needs of an organization makes it realistic and addresses real life issues that we may need to contend with in our place of employment.
This course certainly has shaped the rest of my career and profession in a positive way, and has put me on the winning edge. It has given me options and I will brave to say it will make anyone regardless of what profession or industry you are in, it will make you indispensable. By having the skills taught in your class it makes you extremely valuable to your organization and even in tough economic times they won’t be able to cut your services. I would recommend this course without hesitation to anyone even if they are already experienced in Excel.
Owen D.

When You Sign Up SE2 On-Demand Self-Paced Online Course, You Get:
Let Me Breakdown What You Are Getting
and Show You How They Help You to Master the Right Excel Skills
Excel Training
Training Videos
The recorded videos are just like how this course is taught in a live in-person setting, often with additional explanations to address various potential questions or issues.
This is an Excel course taught in person in classroom setting for many years. It is tested effective and fine-tuned in many years.
The common and typical questions that attendees would ask are already incorporated in the recorded teaching videos. Also some of the common formula errors are demonstrated in the teaching videos.
Training Excel Files
Practice sheets and answer sheets
All files have answer sheets corresponding to each of the practice sheets.
Bonus materials and associated answers
12 out of the 17 Excel files have bonus materials. All bonus questions have their own answer sheets provided in the files.
They either help you to apply what you learned to a different scenario, or to springboard you to a higher and broader application by adding a little bit twist. They could be new materials but very related to the topic you just learned.
All of the bonus materials are to reinforce your understanding, expand your application to new scenarios, broaden your knowledge base, intrigue your curiosity to creative ways of using the functions you learned.
Course eBook
This course has very detail course eBook to guide you working through the exercises. There are lots of screenshots and illustration to explain the concepts. It is written in conversational style. When you read them, you feel just like sitting across from me, listening to the teaching. You can see clearly the logic in the thought process of developing the solutions.
Instructor Support
Most online Excel courses are just one-way communication from instructor to students. Students are left alone with no place to get help.
With this online course, you could ask questions at the comment section of each lesson, and I will answer each and every single one of your questions. Your fellow students can also see your questions and may jump in to share their perspectives too.
This online course format provides not only two-way communication between you and me, but also discussions and interactions among fellow students.
Excel Coaching
Bonus: 90-Day Access to Super Excel Coaching Community
In this online community, you will get Excel coaching support.
With what you learned in the course, you have the knowledge and skills to solve more problems than you realize. This course provides many examples of ways using those functions and their combinations, but they won't cover all the scenarios you face in workplace.
When you face Excel challenges at work, you can ask me in the online forum to get help. Each and everyone of your questions will be answered.
If the problem can be handled using what you learned from the course, you will be coached to apply that to solve the problem.
If the problem cannot be handled using what you learned from the course, you will receive guidance on what to learn to solve the problem.
This is also a good opportunity to learn from each others. Often times, a question asked by one student, is the same question many other students wanted to ask, or will ask later on.
Based on the questions asked by students, I may hold live Zoom sessions in the community to answer questions that are hard to discuss via writing.
Bonus: Tapping Into the Power of Your Higher Self
This is a series of short videos where I share with you some techniques I have used to improve the quality of my life.
Our emotional state determines the qualities of our lives. Getting richer does not necessarily relive or reduce the stress we feel in our everyday lives.
There is a part of us that has deeper wisdom. I call it the inner self, the true self, or the higher self.
In our everyday life, we are busy "doing" all kinds of things, and often disconnect with the inner self or higher self.
There are lots of ways to connect with the higher self and transform us from a negative emotional state to a more positive emotional state.
I have been pursuing a deeper understanding about life since 2014. Along the way, I have learned and benefited a lot.
Through these sharing, I hope to make a contribution to your joyful and fulfilling lives.