SE1-B Super Excel Pivot Tables & Charts Course
You will go very deep and thorough on pivot tables and charts in this course.
It will also clear the myth (misunderstanding) you may have about macro.
SE1-A course is all about storing and formatting data, but SE1-B course is all about analyzing data and presenting results.
Comparing to those features from SE1-A course, which are scattered and smaller concepts. Pivot tables and charts each is a big structure by itself.
From this course, you will learn the complete structures of pivot tables and charts, knowing their main pillars and components. You will go very deep. Deeper than most Excel users who are using pivot tables and charts would go.
(There is a higher echelon of pivot tables and charts for people who already mastered formulas. For before formula stage, this is very deep and comprehensive.)
Earlier in my Excel teaching, the pivot tables topic was in the same course where functions and formulas were taught. One gentleman in the class asked me if he should skip the pivot table topic. He worked as a senior analyst and had been using pivot tables for many years, and thought he had pretty good grasp of pivot tables. I did suggest him to stay for the rest of the class. At the end of the class he thanked me for getting him to stay, as he did learn so much more valuable pivot tables skills that he did not have and would actually help him in his work.
To work with charts effectively, you have to know all the main chart elements, and how to work with those elements. From this course, you will learn them in a systematic way, be able to create visually appealing charts, and establish the foundation for the higher echelon of charting in the future if necessary.
In most conventional Excel courses, the macro topic is listed under the "advanced" level course. Actually, macro is very simple. Even a completely beginner can learn macro in less than one hour, however he or she would have no use of macro without other Excel knowledge and skills.
In my conversations with people who are trying to improve Excel skills, I often heard "I want to learn the advanced Excel. I want to learn macro". They thought once they learn macro, they will have the advanced level Excel skills.
Unfortunately, many of the job posts and interviews carried out by HR or recruiters, asking for "advanced" Excel skills including macros. This further reinforce the misconception about macro.
From this course, you will learn how to create and use macros, and what's really behind the macros, which is a different ball game from macro. You will be completely at ease with your lack of the behind-the-macro programming skills, because you will understand what macro really is.
You get to advanced level by mastering functions/formulas, not by knowing Excel macro (again, programming is a whole new different ball game).
One could learn the functions and formulas from SE2 course without any knowledge about pivot tables and charts, as they are just different aspects of Excel.
However for one to perform at SE2 course level in workplace, knowledge and skills in pivot tables and charts are inevitable.
SE1-B Super Excel Pivot Tables & Charts Course Outline
8-hour Hands-On Course
Pivot Table allows you to summarize large volume of data dynamically with few simple drags and drops without knowledge of any function and formula. With the filter and sort tools and design interface, you can slice and dice it in various ways to reveal the data pattern. It is one of the most essential tools within Excel one cannot afford to miss.
When it comes to presentation of data, Excel chart is very effective to communicate results. It can reveal insights on trends, comparison, relationship, and contribution.
Macro allows you easily record certain tasks and perform the same tasks in the future simply by running the pre-recorded macros.
This hands-on course will help you to gain the abilities to analyze large volume of data quickly in a practical and meaningful way with Pivot Table and design professional charts to communicate results effectively. You will also understand how to record macros and run macros in many different ways.
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for people who are new to Excel or have basic level Excel skills, wish to be able to conduct quick analysis and design charts.
Topics Outline
Module 1 – Summarize data with Pivot Tables; automate repeating tasks with macros
- Sum or average values by different groups and hierarchy
- Group results from individual dates into weeks, months, quarters
- Summarize values by grouped ranges of numbers
- Identify highest or lowest group by group total
- Identify most or least common group by group count
- Filter top/bottom 10 groups, 10% amount of groups, 1000 absolute amount of groups
- Add report filter and change levels of field hierarchy
- Quickly generate multiple reports with one group report per worksheet
- Make Pivot Table results to reflect the changed source data
- Change Pivot Table formats
- Pivot Table source data requirement
- References to cells within a Pivot Table
- Grouping items manually
- Sort Pivot Table by Grand Total or specific column/row values
- Pivot Table printing setup
- Show values as % of parental total
- Show values as % difference from
- Show values as running total
- Create calculated field
- Macro security setting, file type, recording and running macro, what's behind macro, Personal Macro Workbook vs This Workbook
- Run a macro via Keyboard Shortcut, Quick Access Toolbar, Graphic object, Shapes, Button, Auto_Open upon opening a file
Module 2 – Design various types of chart and format chart elements to communicate results effectively
- Various ways to create charts
- Placing multiple charts in one chart sheet
- Various ways to select and modify chart elements
- Various ways to add or change data used by series
- Adding secondary axis for values of different scale
- Changing individual series chart type
- Changing layout of chart area, plot area, chart title, legend, value axis, category axis, data labels, data table
- Preserving chart formats by copying or using chart template
- Formatting column chart series columns & line charts series lines and markers
- Explode one slice of the pie in a pie chart
- Move small pie slices to second plot within a pie chart
- Common charting practices
I took the live online Super Excel Pivot Tables & Charts course. It was an excellent course and I learned a LOT of new things. The instructor is great and very knowledgeable. Even though it was an online course, I felt like I was part of an in-person class. We are very fortunate to have the technology to learn from a distance and I think we should really take advantage of this great opportunity.
Paulette B.
Moncton NB Canada
This course has made my work life so much easier! Steve is an excellent instructor with very well-structured classes. He takes the time to give you the individual attention that you need and makes sure that he answers everyone’s questions. Within the first 10 minutes of my first class, I could already see how much time all his tips would save me in my next spreadsheet. Thanks to Super Excel I am much more efficient and my co-workers think I am an Excel God! I would recommend this course to anyone!
Liz B.

When You Sign Up SE1-B On-Demand Self-Paced Online Course, You Get:
Let Me Breakdown What You Are Getting
and Show You How They Help You to Master the Right Excel Skills
Excel Training
Training Videos
The recorded videos are just like how this course is taught in a live in-person setting, often with additional explanations to address various potential questions or issues.
This is an Excel course taught in person in classroom setting for many years. It is tested effective and fine-tuned in many years.
The common and typical questions that attendees would ask are already incorporated in the recorded teaching videos.
Training Excel Files
All files have answer sheets corresponding to each of the practice sheets.
Course eBook
This course has very detail course eBook to guide you working through the exercises. There are lots of screenshots and illustration to explain the concepts.
Instructor Support
Most online Excel courses are just one-way communication from instructor to students. Students are left alone with no place to get help.
With this online course, you could ask questions at the comment section of each lesson, and I will answer each and every single one of your questions. Your fellow students can also see your questions and may jump in to share their perspectives too.
This online course format provides not only two-way communication between you and me, but also discussions and interactions among fellow students.
Excel Coaching
Bonus: 90-Day Access to Super Excel Coaching Community
In this online community, you will get Excel coaching support.
With what you learned in the course, you have the knowledge and skills to solve more problems than you realize. This course provides many examples of ways using those functions and their combinations, but they won't cover all the scenarios you face in workplace.
When you face Excel challenges at work, you can ask me in the online forum to get help. Each and everyone of your questions will be answered.
If the problem can be handled using what you learned from the course, you will be coached to apply that to solve the problem.
If the problem cannot be handled using what you learned from the course, you will receive guidance on what to learn to solve the problem.
This is also a good opportunity to learn from each others. Often times, a question asked by one student, is the same question many other students wanted to ask, or will ask later on.
Based on the questions asked by students, I may hold live Zoom sessions in the community to answer questions that are hard to discuss via writing.
Bonus: Tapping Into the Power of Your Higher Self
This is a series of short videos where I share with you some techniques I have used to improve the quality of my life.
Our emotional state determines the qualities of our lives. Getting richer does not necessarily relive or reduce the stress we feel in our everyday lives.
There is a part of us that has deeper wisdom. I call it the inner self, the true self, or the higher self.
In our everyday life, we are busy "doing" all kinds of things, and often disconnect with the inner self or higher self.
There are lots of ways to connect with the higher self and transform us from a negative emotional state to a more positive emotional state.
I have been pursuing a deeper understanding about life since 2014. Along the way, I have learned and benefited a lot.
Through these sharing, I hope to make a contribution to your joyful and fulfilling lives.