Does Super Excel Help You Master the Right Excel Skills?
You Acquire Excel Skills You Actually Need in Real Life in a Very Short Time, Not Spending Long Time Still Going Nowhere
Excel is such a huge and complex software that you could spend 1000 hours learning and there are still much more to learn about. For people who do not understand the overall Excel functionalities and the required Excel skills for different types and levels of jobs, this is a daunting project.
Imagine you walk into a totally darkened huge warehouse that is pitch black. You know there are lots of various items on rows of shelves, but you could not see anything because it is completely dark. You pull out your tiny flashlight, shine the beam over the shelves. The beam shows you certain items, but not much else. There are items you knew they were there, and there are items that you have never seen before, there are also items you have never imagined existing before. But you can only see what can be seen within the narrow beam of your flashlight. That is how it feels like when deciding what to learn within the huge Excel “warehouse”.
The conventional Excel training courses will teach you based on the order of how the items were lined up in the warehouse by the designer, from aisle A, then aisle B, C, …. You may say to yourself with frustration: “Wow, with so many aisles, when can I get to aisle Z, or AZ, or even ZZ?” This is exactly what I went through in the beginning of my Excel learning.
Fortunately, when I left Walmart Canada and started working at LCBO, my new colleagues were very advanced Excel users. They were God like beings to me in terms of Excel skills. From my interaction with their work, I gained the exposure of so many advanced features and functionalities and ways of using Excel. My Excel skills quickly advanced. Since then I consciously sought for learning practical Excel skills from various sources, including many online Excel forums. I made myself really good at using Excel while working as a senior analyst. That exposure gave me broader visibility of the Excel “warehouse”. I grabbed some items from aisle A, B, C, moved to aisle F and G grabbed few other items, and then to aisle J, T, Z for few more items. I was happy dancing around the aisles, as I was getting the right tools within a short period of time for what I needed to do.
Here is the moment of where you are, and I am, in front of the huge and dark Excel “warehouse”. I am the guide, who has been there and done it, to help you navigate the aisles of various Excel functionalities with the Super Excel training map. Actually, you do not need to go through the aisles, you just need to walk along the center walkway, I will bring the various and necessary tools from the deep aisles to you, and show you how to use each tool hands-on, as well as how to combine those tools to complete more complex projects.
I do not claim that I have the full visibility of the entire Excel “warehouse”, which is an insane task for any individual to tackle. Over so many years of using and teaching Excel, I have gained much broader visibility on what functionalities Excel has and are needed for majority of people from various businesses and organizations using Excel in real life. I know for majority of professionals, what those most important, essential, practical Excel skills are for the different levels and types of jobs.
A Peek Into the Mind That Is Behind the Courses – These Ain’t Your Regular Conventional Excel Courses
The above understanding is the premise of how I designed the Super Excel courses. It helps you to learn the most important, essential, and practical Excel skills in the shortest time, and really get it.
My Super Excel courses design reminds me one experience I had back in 1998, when I was studying in Sweden…

For four months of that fall, I was basically attending two separate universities' programs concurrently, flying back and forth one or two times every week between northern city Lulea and southern city Gothenburg. My strategy was to attend majority classes in Gothenburg, smaller number of classes in Lulea, and only aimed to get passing score for each course. Fortunately there was not any schedule conflict on the exams of all those courses in December between the two universities' programs, so I was able to fly back and forth to take all those exams, and I passed the exam of every single course of my two unrelated programs in two separate universities.
One course I felt especially proud of is Cognitive Ergonomics. I DID NOT attend a single class of that course! I flew back to Lulea on Friday evening, and the exam of that course is on the coming Monday. I had only two days of time to study this entire course without attending a single class. The good thing is that the professor gave us the exam paper from previous year, to give us an idea of how the exam look like and what the general format is.
I analyzed the previous year exam paper to death, and really got a handle of the professor’s intention. Clearly, he was not trying to test you a whole bunch of smaller peculiar concepts to fail you. He was sincerely hoping the students to grasp the main structure and concepts, gain the essential and foundational knowledge on the subject.
I first glanced through the textbook, drew out the main structure, identified the foundational knowledge. Imagine a big tree with some main branches and many smaller branches and countless leaves of smaller concepts. In comparison to the structure of previous year exam paper, I identified the main knowledge processes and points, and calculated how much I could afford to lose and still get enough for a passing score.
With that understanding, I felt everything was clear. I had no intention trying to understand everything in that book, as that would be an enormous task for the two days I had. I only needed to study and really understand enough of the main knowledge processes and points to pass the exam. So that is what I did within the two days and felt confident to take the exam on Monday.
In the evening of that Sunday, one of my classmates came to my room, he was initially really feeling sorry for me, given my circumstance. He felt this would be a difficult exam to pass even for him, who attended every single class, as there are way too many concepts covered within this course. He was really taken back by my confidence in passing the exam without attending a single class.
So I mapped out the entire course structure for him based on my drawings, in referencing to the previous year exam paper. I told him, if you just make sure you really understand those main knowledge processes and points, that should be enough for just passing the exam. There is nothing else to worry about. He lightened up and really felt the whole thing was so clear to him, and he knew exactly what he needed to focus on for the rest of that evening.
You knew already that I passed that exam, but guess what, half of my class failed it, and they did attend the classes just as any regular student would do. The classmate who came to my room the night before, also passed that exam.
I was creating mind maps to assist my processing of the information. In the few years around 2010 I also used the iMindMap software, rather than PowerPoint, to teach Supply Chain Management, as that helps students to see the structure and connections amongst different parts of the whole.
Ironically, Cognitive Ergonomics is the science about designing system with consideration of human perception, mental processing, memory, and reasoning to enable a seamless and smooth interaction between the system and human. I seemed to have good cognitive skills to process large volume of information and be able to learn the core of it in a short time.
Based on the feedback from so many of my Excel training attendees, I also seemed subconsciously applying the Cognitive Ergonomics principles very well in designing the Super Excel training system, teaching the Super Excel courses, and made it possible for my attendees to learn and acquire the important and practical real life Excel skills easily, quickly, and cognitively.
The topics in the courses reflect the natural progression of issues we deal with in real life workplace. Often times an attendee in my class asked a question, my answer would be: "Very good question! That's exactly what we are going to talk about in the next topic."
Again, imagine that big Excel “warehouse”, housing vast amount of knowledge and skill points, it would be scary and intimidating to tackle that for somebody just got in the door. The good thing is, you are not alone. You have me, as the guide, who has been inside exploring for so many years, and knows what are required in real life jobs. I am guiding you every step of the way in your Excel learning journey, to acquire the most practical real life Excel skills in the shortest amount of time easily.
So when you take the Super Excel training courses, it’s like getting an old friend, who has been there, done it, walk you through the field in the shortest time without missing any major skills set learning, so you can walk similar fields after by yourself with confidence.
And if you choose to subscribe to the Super Excel Coaching Community, you always have me to guide you overcoming the Excel challenges you encounter at workplace.